Trapped in Stained Glass III


In hues of light, a riddle lies,

A captive beauty, her essence defies.

Transcending the realm of the mortal plane,

A paradox within a window frame.

Celestial bodies in cosmic array,

An astral dance on her visage play.

As above, so below, the truth does unfold,

A tale of a heart and a soul untold.

With emerald eyes, she gazes through,

The glassy veil of her vibrant hued tomb.

In metaphysical spheres, her spirit resides,

The boundaries of her existence defied.

The window, a nexus twixt worlds entwined,

A fusion of matter and soul combined.

Her ethereal essence trapped in between,

A liminal being, forever unseen.

Her form, an enigma of color and light,

A reflection of truth, both darkness and bright.

The sun's golden touch upon her face,

A moment of union, of time and space.

In twilight's embrace, the shadows grow,

The secrets of existence begin to show.

Her heart in the vastness of the cosmos beats,

In tune with the stars and their celestial feats.

An infinite dance through dimensions unknown,

Her spirit's yearning for solace has grown.

Bound by the laws of her metaphysical cage,

A beautiful young woman, a timeless sage.

In the stained glass window, her story endures,

An enigma of life, and the love it procures.

A metaphysical wonder, she stands as a sign,

Of the beauty and mystery that life does entwine.


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